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Live Life in the Moment, Not in your Head
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Live Life in the Moment, Not in your Head
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Autumn Burnout: How High Performers Can Achieve Balance

Autumn is a season of change, and is often a time when the pace at work increases following a slower summer period of school holidays. For many high-performing professionals, this transition can lead to a sense of burnout as you transition out of the slower summer days and holiday mode to going back to all hands on deck in the run up to the Christmas period. The pressure to excel and meet year end deadlines, coupled with the change in weather can take its toll on your mental and physical health.

On the one hand, children are back in school and staff are back on hand after the summer holidays, but on the other hand, the transition from sunnier, longer days with warmer weather to wet, cold days with dark mornings and evenings is a curious contradiction. We are expected to do more, pick up the pace and go full steam ahead at a time when our bodies are responding to the lack of sunlight, vitamin D, and colder weather, nudging us into hibernation mode.

How do we fight our body’s natural inclination at this time of year to boost productivity without burning out? Here are some strategies to help you prevent autumn burnout while maintaining your peak performance:

Prioritise Autumn Self-Care

  • Good sleep: this is even more important when we feel more lethargic with the darker days. Aim for 8 hours of high quality sleep, with a consistent bedtime.
  • Catch the morning light: being outside in the morning, as soon as possible after waking, for 20 to 30 minutes is important for regulating the circadian rhythm and also helps to maintain adequate levels of vitamin D
  • Go for a mindful autumn walk: without any headphones or distractions, go for a walk and notice the leaves, the scenery, take in the sounds that you can hear, the feeling of the crisp autumn breeze on your cheek. Making a walk a full sensory experience can be incredibly grounding and is a very under rated self care activity
  • Pick up a good book and a hot drink of your choice to recharge
  • Choose forms of exercise that feel restorative and match your energy levels, such as yoga, walking, swimming, biking, pilates, or weight training
  • Consider keeping a journal to give yourself an emotional outlet or even to make a list of your upcoming goals and priorities

Set Realistic Goals

  • Divide large projects into smaller, more manageable tasks.
  • Prioritize: Focus on the most important tasks and delegate or eliminate less critical ones.
  • Aim for consistent progress instead of perfection to help reduce any avoidance or procrastination

Take Breaks

  • Incorporate short breaks throughout your workday to rest and recharge.
  • Step away from work-related devices during your breaks to truly relax. Try to turn off notifications that tend to distract you during the day (Teams notifications, whats app, email) or put yourself on Away or Busy.
  • Spend time in nature to reduce stress and improve your mood.

Build a Strong Support Network

  • Don’t shut down and withdraw when you feel stressed or burned out; talk to someone you trust in confidence and prioritise your relationships.
  • Consider joining a professional organization or support group.
  •  If you're struggling with burnout, don't hesitate to seek help from a clinical psychologist who specialises in stress and burnout.

Find Joy in Your Work

  • Re connect to your mission and purpose: why did you choose this line of work? What interested you in it? What do you still enjoy about your work?
  • Celebrate the small wins and recognise the progress you are making
  • Try to get more of the good stuff! How can you do more of the bits that you love about your job? Can you outsource tasks that don’t feel rewarding or interesting? Where are your strengths best used in your work?

By implementing these strategies, you can better equip yourself to navigate the challenges of autumn and maintain your peak performance. Remember, it's essential to prioritize your well-being and create a sustainable work-life balance.

If you need some personalised coaching or therapy to help you through this process, we would love to hear from you. Please use the contact form to email us your enquiry.

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