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Live Life in the Moment, Not in your Head
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Live Life in the Moment, Not in your Head
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Live Life in the Moment, Not in your Head
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Online and Face to Face Therapy and Coaching for Professionals Struggling with OCD, PTSD, Phobias, Panic Attacks, and Stress

Are you struggling to control your worries? Do they feel all consuming and get in the way of being truly present? Sometimes you may look like you have it all together, but inside you feel like an imposter and worry about being a failure. You often get stuck in over thinking and playing out worst case scenarios. You may be worrying about the future, your finances, your health, career, or struggle with specific fears and phobias. You struggle to sleep well at night because of your anxiety and wake up feeling exhausted. You may even experience panic attacks due to your anxiety, which only make you feel even more out of control. You find it difficult to be truly in the moment, enjoying down time because your anxiety is always taking over. If this sounds like you, you're not alone.

Normalising Therapy & Grounded in Science

If you're tired of going round in circles trying to cope with your anxiety, you've come to the right place. Many high achieving, successful people have tried the gym, yoga, massage, spas, life coaches, and hypnotherapists to manage anxiety. Perhaps you are now recognising that this isn't enough. It's difficult for many people to admit they need outside professional help, but seeking out therapy should be as routine as going to the dentist or the GP. We are all human, and we all have tricky brains at times. With the right specialist, you can learn to break free of the paralysis of anxiety by dropping old coping strategies that make anxiety worse and learn to live life in the moment. Not only can you start to feel better, but your relationships, work, and overall quality of life will also improve when you aren't consumed by anxiety.

Work with a Licensed Psychologist

There are lots of therapists out there. Choose one who is a specialist, a regulated healthcare professional, and trained in a range of therapeutic approaches that are guided by the latest research. This will offer you a truly bespoke and more effective therapy experience. 

Welcome, I'm Dr. Aneesa Shariff. I've worked as a qualified clinical psychologist in Canada and NHS senior level posts for the past 14 years, and I believe that therapy should be personalised to fit your unique and complex life story. I feel strongly that manualised approaches and using one size fits all low cost models do a disservice to the human experience. For therapy to be deeply transformative and meaningful, a specialist psychologist who has the training needed to offer a personalised therapeutic approach is needed. I am also a clinical supervisor, published author, and media psychologist. I specialise in treatment of anxiety using a range of evidence based therapies, including CBT and other proven models. I also highly value working with people from ethnically diverse communities, which has led to several research publications and media work on acculturation, identity development, and culturally responsive therapies.

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